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Skittles inspired skiddles confirmed for MAN’s ISO-Amino Candy Series


We already knew MAN Sports had a Candy Series lined up for their hit amino supplement ISO-Amino. The idea only made sense as the brand’s sour batch recipe proved to be incredibly popular. Not only is the flavor our favorite out of the four ISO-Amino options, but also our favorite amino flavor on the market. Today MAN have confirmed one of the four Candy Series tastes that is actually due to launch later this week, with yet another mainstream inspired innovation Skiddles. The flavor is obviously the brand’s take on the internationally known rainbow colored candy Skittles, confirming that this will be once again a release we’re lining up for. The idea of another sweet sugary recipe is likely to excite MAN fans quite easily, however it does also leave us extremely curious. As mentioned the brand have said they have at most four tastes in the ISO-Amino Candy Series. If the Skittles inspired skiddles is one of them, you have to wonder what else the minds over at MAN have come up with. The brand have certainly caught on to something here, and we’re more than glad they’re running with it.

Update: Skiddles ISO-Amino has been released through MAN’s 1%ers club

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