Hot off the launch of MAN Sport’s latest ISO-Amino flavor, the second Candy Series release skiddles, the brand have announced a bit of an update. Looking at the image above you may be thinking they’ve unveiled their third amino treat, however it’s kind of the opposite. Fruittles is in fact the new name for MAN’s Skittles inspired skiddles ISO-Amino. For whatever reason they had to, or decided to change the title. To keep the recognition going the brand have maintained their rainbow graphic in behind the name, and of course not changed a thing in terms of flavoring. Any one who ordered direct from MAN will have likely been shipped the original skiddles version, as well as any one who took advantage of Nutraplanet’s $17.87 launch deal. By the sounds of things it’s only ISO-Amino tubs moving forward that will be carrying the fruittles title, especially since MAN apparently sold through their first run of skiddles in just under a week.