If you’re like us and have been waiting for a solid opportunity to pick up one or both of iSatori’s new Bio-Gro infused supplements, Tiger Fitness will soon have that opportunity for you. The first store to show up with Pre-Gro and Hyper-Gro outside of the brand themselves was Campus Protein earlier this week, who set the pre-workout at $32.99 and the post-workout at $37.99. While those prices were significantly better than what iSatori had on their January 5th launch day, Marc Lobliner and Tiger Fitness are looking to do better than both the brand and Campus Protein. The retailer have uploaded Pre-Gro in a total of four flavors for just $27.99, and Hyper-Gro also in four flavors at just $34.99. Compared to their costs direct from iSatori you’re looking at a saving of more than 20%, or compared to Campus 15% for Pre-Gro and slightly less than 10% for Hyper-Gro. The only downside to Tiger Fitness’s prices at this point is that they have unfortunately yet to get stock of either product. Those looking to save money probably won’t mind the wait, especially since it’s a difference of $8 next to Campus and $18 direct from iSatori.