EVLution Nutrition are now finally looking to extend on their individual series with two new coming soon supplements. At the moment the brand do have just the one basic formula, the alternatively themed CLA 1000, appropriately packing 1,000mg of CLA per softgel. While EVL’s Lean Mode is another white labeled product of theirs it isn’t quite as basic, in fact it’s the complete opposite listing five transparently dosed weight loss ingredients, one of which is actually CLA. As for what the brand have on the way, fans are in for two simple supplements, Carnitine 500 and BCAA 5000. Just like CLA 1000, EVL have made titles 100% relevant to the contents of each product, with Carnitine packing 500mg of l-carnitine l-tartrate per capsule, and BCAA with 5,000mg of BCAAs per eight capsule serving. In terms of totals Carnitine does squeeze in 60 capsules per bottle, adding up to 30g of carnitine, with BCAA’s total amount sitting at 150g of BCAAs thanks to its 240 capsule count. We’re not sure when the two are due to go on sale, but it does now make it three upcoming supplements for the brand as last year’s EVL Test has still yet to surface.