To round out the week and give you a new brand to get to know, we’d like to introduce you to Ceuticore Nutrition. The company is Canadian based, so don’t be surprised if you haven’t heard or come across them here in the US. Ceuticore at the moment are a three supplement brand, competing in three of the more common categories with the pre-workout Force MG, muscle builder Myostane MX, and Refuel XT the brand’s multi-window amino cocktail. Like a lot of up and coming companies, Ceuticore are up with the times and are an almost 100% transparent brand. Instead of proprietary blends, each of Ceuticore’s products list doses for all of their ingredients except for Force’s seven feature energy blend. The brand’s honesty shows off highlights such as 800mg of agmatine in Myostane, 4g of leucine in Refuel and 2.5g of betaine in the half and half pre-workout Force MG. To find out more about Ceuticore you can check out their beautifully graphic driven website at ceuticore.com, and expect to see updates on the brand here at Stack3d moving forward.