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Latest Muscle Sport #ObeyThePump teaser hints at the title NeuroVol

Latest Muscle Sport #ObeyThePump teaser hints at the title NeuroVol

As expected the teasers continue to come in for Muscle Sport’s upcoming pre-workout supplement, that we may today finally have a title for. While the brand’s website dedicated to Product V has yet to have any changes made to it, with the same details still being displayed. We’ve taken what we saw on there, including all the bits of information scattered about, and combined it with Muscle Sport’s latest image. In the brand’s recent upload they have maintained their blacked out mysterious theme, covering more than half of Product V as you can see in the picture above. Unfortunately we feel they may have actually left too much uncovered as there are at least five letters visible. The last three are “vol”, with the two before them being “ro”. Based on the amount of room left on the bottle and the fact that focus is a main feature in the supplement, we’re going to take a guess and say the focus and pump formula’s name is NeuroVol. We will of course have to wait for Muscle Sport to make an official announcement confirming the title. But we are quite confident looking at the space available for the letters, and the brand’s mention of NeuroPure, one of the main blends in the product.

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