If you can cast your mind about three weeks back, you’ll remember Isopure started teasing the coming of a new product. The brand didn’t let too much slip, with the one major clue, the line “coming to a cooler near you”. Isopure have now unveiled that very supplement with a premixed version of their coffee infused protein powder Javapro. The product comes in a 240ml can officially listing 16g of protein, 5g of carbohydrates (4g sugar), 1.5g fat (1g saturated) and a total of just 100 calories. Unlike the original Javapro, Isopure have not got six different flavors to choose from for the ready-to-drink edition, going with just the one straightforward coffee option. Fans of Javapro as well as the brand, will most likely want to get their hands on this one as soon as they can. Fortunately Isopure are prepared and have already got the Javapro RTD in stock at the Vitamin Shoppe. If the supplement is not yet available at your closest location, the store do also have it listed online valued at $34.99 for a case of 12.