As the year comes to a close a lot brands are doing seasonal sales and promotions, with some posting positive comments closing out 2014. iSatori are one of the few doing the latter, with their very own CEO Steven Adele putting together a nice piece summing up the year. Of course if all the post featured was a simple summary, we probably wouldn’t be talking about it. In the post, after Steven goes over everything him and his team have done in the year, you get to the update on what iSatori have coming for January 5th. As it still stands, all we know about the two supplement releases is that one is going to be a pre-workout, and the other some sort of after or post-workout. Unfortunately Steven’s post doesn’t go into any more detail on the duo’s formulas, but does touch on how much effort is going into the launch. On top of videos, advertisements and of course the products themselves, iSatori are going to be releasing their January 5th innovations with a very special deal. Nothing has been said about what will be in the package or packages outside of presumably the two supplements. Although it is by the sounds of things going to offer the items up for cheaper than they’ll be in stores, promising a launch “you really don’t want to miss”. From here all we can say is tune in for updates as we near that January 5th launch, which is just less than two weeks away.