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Raptor HP the first supplement from AST’s upcoming High Performance Series

Raptor HP the first supplement from AST's upcoming High Performance Series

AST’s first new supplement in quite some time has finally been added to the brand’s own website. While the beef formula Raptor HP has already gone on sale through the store who always seems to get things first, Supplement Central. The official listing by AST, like every product from the brand, has come with a very lengthy detailed description. It is in that description that we find a rather exciting piece of information. In AST’s breakdown of the name Raptor HP they explain that the word ‘Raptor” means “Regulatory-Associated Protein of mTOR”. The “HP” stands for High-Performance, the title given to AST’s upcoming wave of supplements. Apparently over the next few months we are going to see an unknown amount of products all with HP attached for the brand’s High Performance Series. AST haven’t said anything about what kind of formulas we’re in for, but if Raptor is anything to go by the line will feature entirely new supplements as opposed to sequels. The exact time frame as mentioned is “next few months”, making AST one of the few to look out for in the new year.

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