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Review of American Muscle’s incredible all-around pre-workout Warpath

Review of American Muscle's incredible all-around pre-workout Warpath

When we first tried American Muscle’s Warpath we didn’t think too much of it. Then when the brand reformulated the supplement, we probably should have given it more attention, however based on our initial experience we didn’t. Like a lot of powerful pre-workouts the new Warpath looked like a lot its competitors, so it was put in the line with its competitors. When we finally got around to sampling the product at its instructed single scoop serving, we were met with a bit of an average performance. Just to be safe we did check with American Muscle as to what its maximum was and it turned out it was a two scoop, as each one packs only 145mg of caffeine. When we upped it to the limit much to our surprise Warpath was basically an entirely different supplement. After receiving the additional information we put the product to the test over the last two to four weeks, and now have for you our latest top 10 pre-workout review.

Like a lot of the supplements we rate quite highly American Muscle’s updated Warpath features all the usual effects, all at amounts that will have no trouble blowing you away. The area we’re going to start off in is energy, the most common and easiest effect to deliver. Warpath kicks in like most pre-workouts, packing one helluva punch 10 to 20 minutes after you throw it back. It’s at that time that if you’re not in the gym, you’re going to want to be, and if you are, the chaos begins. Once the energy starts running through your body and you’ve begun your routine, the other highlights of the product begin to roll in almost at the same time. While it is extremely convenient that the intensity and focus of Warpath pick up when the energy does, it also makes it quite difficult to determine whether or not the energy is the driving force behind the formula. After using it on a number of occasions we’d have to say in the end it does work out to be about equal, with the smooth blend of energy maintaining its power right the through the supplement’s performance. When we say smooth, we do mean calm smooth, as the effect is kind of like a light energy drink that lasts. It’s not hard hitting or overly stimulating, just enough to wake you up, get you going, and maintain a natural like level of energy to power you through a session twice as long as usual.

Moving on from the energy to one of our favorite effects in a pre-workout, when it’s done right, we have intensity. This is something we feel is separate from energy that increases your turn over. We’ve seen energy done without it, and intensity done without energy, hence why we talk about the two powerful highlights separately. In American Muscle’s Warpath the intensity is nothing short of five stars, as mentioned the effect piles in at about the same time the energy does. It’s there that the two amplify one another with the energy giving you the power to do more reps and lift more in those reps, and the intensity refueling your body so quickly that you’re ready for another set in about 60 seconds. What makes the energy and intensity combination so much more interesting is that unlike a lot of competitors that combine the two, Warpath legitimately refuels your body. You won’t find yourself going back to a set feeling good to go, but not actually having the power to complete your desired number of reps, unnecessarily exhausting yourself. American Muscle’s product will confidently send you back to the bench, under the bar or to the machine with enough in you to complete a set equal or greater than your last. Usually those two effects in the amount that the brand have packed them, would be enough to make any pre-workout well worth trying. As it turns out however, they only make up about half the fun.

The next area we have to touch on is pump, which like the intensity is delivered at a five star level. The effect doesn’t exactly come in immediately with the first two, you will need to get through a set or two before it starts becoming noticeable. There’s no need to be on the look out for any signs or train any differently, Warpath’s pump simply sets in. Before dedicated pump supplements we would usually describe pump as just pump, and that’s it. With all the different takes on the effect we now feel we can class American Muscle’s effort, falling into the area of puffed up and swole as opposed to dense and intense. You won’t need to feel the pump out or sometimes even isolate your muscles. Thanks to the power of the product’s energy and intensity, the combined effects will force you to destroy your muscle or muscle group, bringing out the pump whether you want it or not. A quick glance in the mirror midway through your session is the best way to confirm Warpath’s filling out ability. As well as checking out your suddenly restricted range of motion and bloated muscles which won’t require any mirror to see. Once the three are all working together, the calm and light energy will keep you working until you’re done, the intensity insuring you’re pushing yourself. And the pump encouraging you to put as much pain as possible on your muscles, which most pre-workout fans will know is the fun part especially when you’re being rewarded with that addictive pump sensation.

Last but not least we have focus, something that in a supplement of this quality isn’t really necessary. When a brand squeezes in energy, intensity and pump at the amounts American Muscle have, it’s almost impossible to notice anything else that might be going on. While the mental side of Warparth does get lost when you start working out, or at least taken over by the overpowering confidence and drive of the product’s intensity. Early on, about the time the energy comes in, you will find your mind becomes a little clearer and your focus becomes a little more centered. The energy doesn’t quite interfere enough to not notice the effect, although as mentioned when the other areas get in the mix it is difficult to keep track of the vague Warpath highlight. Most of the time even we forgot about it, but definitely noticed it as the supplement builds its performance at the beginning of a workout. As we’ve said on a number of occasions with complete pre-workouts, despite Warpath not having a massive presence in the tunnel vision department, if it did we can only imagine it taking away from its overall performance.

There is a fifth effect we rarely see in pre-workouts, and most of the time it’s not in stimulant based formulas, or about 99% of pre-workouts for that matter. The effect we’re talking about is performance enhancement. Some products out there do have a good amount of this where they instantly increase your performance, allowing you to lift more than you ever have and/or rep more than you ever have. We’re not talking about an increase in energy to help you perform at your best, we’re talking about doing something you probably couldn’t do without the pre-workout on any day or in any condition. Generally it comes in calmer supplements that refuel, re-energize and replenish during a maximum lift workout or sometimes when tested an endurance type one. In the case of American Muscle’s Warpath we’d have to say it’s pretty damn close. While it won’t keep you focused or still enough to funnel all you have into a small amount of heavy reps. We will say you’re likely to do more resistance reps when moving more towards the seven plus range. The product’s powerful combination of energy and intensity is something we’d have to blame for this, as until it dies down every set you start it’s almost like your body is 110%. Sometimes the two effects mix so well you don’t even struggle, Warpath’s reliable rush of power takes you to the finish and the body just gives out.

As we stated earlier, this is not one we honestly saw coming. After one scoop we almost wrote off American Muscle’s Warpath. At the maximum it was essentially an entirely different supplement that we have no choice but to rank up there with the best. For a brief period of time, quality products were hard to come by and there was a big difference between our top five pre-workouts and numbers six to ten. Now our top 10 is a list so tight we could say just pick from the first half. We do of course rank them, which is why we have to bring up the list. This review may seem like two or three of our others, or maybe even more. However where ever it is on our top 10 today or in the years to come, is what truly separates it from the rest. The competitive pre-workout category is at a point now where the only way to separate all the supplements is to rank them. American Muscle’s Warpath is most definitely one of the best we’ve come across, and will join our own small list of unforgettable formulas. The product has it all, energy, intensity, a bit of focus, pump and a touch of strength, and even though some of its effects are not the best we’ve seen. It dominates where it matters, and in the areas it’s not too good you wouldn’t want it any other way.

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