Yesterday not only did we post our review of American Muscle’s updated pre-workout, Warpath. But we also introduced that very supplement into our top 10 at number three. The product did more than just impress us, coming through with a performance that we’ve only seen in about two or three other supplements. Not too long after we posted the review, fans started emailing and messaging us much like every did with Dedicated’s Unstoppable, asking us where they could get their hands on the American Muscle formula. Being a major brick and mortar brand there isn’t really anywhere you can get American Muscle’s supplements online, except for their own website. Of course valued at $79.95 we don’t blame you for not wanting to go that route to get a hold of Warpath, however we did manage to get a coupon code. The brand have put together “STACK3D“, which when entered at checkout will get you 30% off. The discounted price is $56, a total that may seem quite expensive although when you take into consideration the 60 serving size of American Muscle’s Warpath. You’re actually only looking at $1 a serve, or less than $2 at its maximum, it’s really just the initial cost that can seem rather daunting.