If you are signed up to our newsletter you would have got this news at the start of the week on Monday. If you haven’t, it is five days old but exciting nonetheless. After American Muscle’s Premium Whey was put through our Stack3d Certified program, testing free of free form amino acids, creatine and a few others, as well as proving that it’s total amount of protein is on point. PES have officially submitted their supplement Select Protein for the program. The product was purchased on Monday, arrived at the lab on Tuesday, then went in for testing. We are expecting the results to come in sometime next week, at the latest the following week. If you’ve tried PES’s Select before you will know it’s taste is definitely not an issue, and with the supplement winning it’s round one battle in our 2014 Protein Wars, you also know it’s popular. We’ll make sure we post the results up as soon as we can, and put together a special email making sure no one misses the announcement.