No doubt a lot of fans like us, took advantage of Physique Enhancing Science’s introductory offer of their pump product High Volume. The supplement was briefly available for the extremely awesome price of $19.99, getting you a full size 18 serving tub. If you were one of the people that for whatever reason missed out, Nutraplanet have got you covered. The launch specialists have today shown up with the dedicated pump pre-workout, giving it a price that’s not too far off what PES insiders paid a few weeks ago. Nutraplanet have introduced High Volume for $24.99, just five bucks more than what loyal followers forked out. To make the offer that much better, the store have also got two flavors available. While insiders had no choice on taste for High Volume with only paradise cooler, Nutraplanet have got both paradise cooler and blue frost. We don’t quite know if the retailer’s current price is a limited time thing, either way it’s definitely a good deal for the rebranded High Volume and latest big entry into the pump category.