Scitec Nutrition’s new individual phosphatidic acid supplement Mastodon, has now officially gone from beta-test bottle to launch in just over two weeks. The product originally surfaced as only being talked about, followed by a bit of an update, then a confirmation of it’s contents. Today Scitec have released any and everything to do with Mastodon, including a presence on their website. With the official posting of information we can say that we were spot in reading the 750mg clinical dose of phosphatidic acid per three capsule serving, as well as correct in listing 30 days supply per box of Mastodon. Today’s post really just confirms that the brand’s muscle building supplement, from we can see is now available. As mentioned Scitec have also added Mastodon to their website giving you a look at the contents of the product, and a rather short description of the up and coming phophatidic acid. The one and only ingredient in the supplement.