Just like what happened yesterday with Black Market Labs and Black Friday, some information has come in regarding our Weekend of Chaos sponsor Chaos and Pain. The exciting news is the brand have officially set a date for their first Pwnd Gamerz Series supplement, the coordination and focus hyperdrive formula Aggro. The product which Chaos and Pain only recently decided to change the contents of due to the AMP/DMBA drama, is set to go on sale in exactly one week’s time. The brand have confirmed Aggro’s official launch date as November 1st, giving the Pwnd Series supplement yet another Chaos and Pain weekend release. To help make the product’s arrival that much more interesting, the brand are going to be throwing in free Pwnd tees with orders of Aggro. We don’t quite know the price on the supplement just yet, but with the launch presumably going to be direct we can’t imagine the product costing anywhere over $40 seeing as the rest of Chaos and Pain’s line isn’t.