Giant Sports did promise a casein protein powder earlier in the year, as well as a mass protein by the name of Muscle Maker. While the latter is still on it’s way the brand last month released their casein protein titled Delicious Casein. For those that missed our original announcement, the supplement is unfortunately only available in Australia at the moment. Fans down under currently have the choice of three flavors, chocolate, vanilla and banana in two sizes, 2 and 4lbs. To top it off the product is competitively priced, and as a teaser for our upcoming review, is easily the best tasting casein we’ve ever had. As exciting as it’s flavoring is, the big news today on Giant’s Delicious Casein is that it is coming to the US. The brand have confirmed that early next year stateside stockists are going have the protein, with it’s pricing not yet known. We did also double check just in case, and the flavors are going to be kept the same, which if you’re a casein fan will without a doubt surprise you.