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EST Nutrition reveal another new supplement for the week with Thermo-Fast

EST reveal another new one for the week with Thermo-Fast

EST Nutrition have released a nice new family photograph featuring their two recent releases Aminoaid and Focusyn, as well as the supplement that was only just shown off on Wednesday H-Tropin. For those following along with the brand you may also notice there is actually another new product that has been slipped into the image, sitting right at the front. The name of the unreleased and sneakily placed supplement is Thermo-Fast, one that like most of EST’s formulas gets it’s intentions across in it’s title. The item is indeed a fat burner being described as a multifaceted weight loss matrix listing four highlights, appetite control, enhanced energy, and fat loss and metabolism support. Similar to the other upcoming product EST just unveiled, Thermo-Fast hasn’t had anything released outside of it’s front facing image. While the brand aren’t giving any hints as to how far away either of this week’s previewed supplements are. Like with H-Tropin for now we’re going to assume they’re apart of EST’s promise of big things for early 2015.

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