It was just this morning that EST Nutrition confidently promoted the fact that they had plenty of new products in the works, expected to arrive in 2015. While the new year may be a long three months away, the brand have already unveiled a new supplement less than a day after the ‘something big is coming’ warning. Following on from Aminoaid and the dual AMP formula Focusyn we have H-Tropin, a product described as an engineered vitality matrix. Like with most EST reveals we haven’t been given a look at the supplements contents, but do have a few highlights to get excited about. On the face of the product EST have listed ‘enhanced sleep pattern’, ‘lean muscle’, ‘strength & vitality’, and something that gives a slight indication to what’s in H-Tropin, the last highlight ‘secretagougue formula’. The brand have only said that this is a sneak peek at the supplement, not that it’s near or coming anytime soon, so it could very well be on track for the promised 2015 wave of releases.