For those keeping track at home, EST Nutrition are currently sitting on a total of four unreleased supplements. So far the brand have unveiled the fat burner Thermo-Fast, vitality matrix H-Tropin, pump pre-workout Vaso-Spaz, and the amino Aminoaid. Today EST have once again added to that list of coming soon products with the anti-estrogen formula E-Bolish XT, a sequel to the original topical E-Bolish. Like with every other one of the brand’s reveals, we have just the face of the supplement to go off. On the label EST list four highlights with testosterone support, anti-estrogen, libido & vitality, and probably the most important one, 100% safe. In terms of serving size, unlike it’s predecessor we can see that E-Bolish XT is a capsule product packing 30 per bottle, presumably working to be one a day. The expected arrival time on this one is much like all the others, uncertain. However EST did say they had a lot planned for early next yeah, which is likely to include E-Bolish XT.