A while ago we decided to put together a program called Stack3d Certified. Basically it’s a stamp or certification we give protein powders that pass our strict list tests. With all the confusion and mistrust going on around these types of supplements, we figured it would be a good way to give something back to those who are doing it right. We got a surprisingly large response initially and have been in talks with a lot of brands over the past few months. While it has certainly taken some time we finally have our first confirmed product taking the plunge. American Muscle are going to submit their new Premium Whey for the program where we will buy a tub of the supplement from a physical or online store, then send it to Genysis Labs for a full amino, creatine and protein total test. Once all is complete we will upload the invoice and results to our website, and if everything clears give American Muscle the certification. We don’t know how long the process will take as this will be our first one through the program, we will however try and keep everyone in the loop.