Usually companies do big direct sales for special events or occasions. Olympia week, Christmas, Cyber Weekend, Thanksgiving, they all see greatly discounted products. This week however, for no reason whatsoever really, American Muscle are doing 30% off everything store wide. Most supplement enthusiasts will know purchasing straight from a brand is always quite expensive, with sales generally just dropping products down to reasonable prices. American Muscle’s 30% off actually puts a couple of their supplements beyond reasonable, with some of the big items becoming more than tempting. The two we have to highlight is the rebranded coconut water infused Premium Whey, and our #1 muscle builder Muscletest. The protein has been discounted all the way down to $62.95 and the full month’s supply of Muscletest to $90.95. The coupon code to remember is simply ‘AMSUPPS’ which is expected to expire at the end of this week.