While Fuel:One has yet to arrive in the US, with a GNC launch very near. The brand have actually already confirmed three new supplements for the Fuel:One range. The additional products on the way are Isolate Build, Phospha Build and the item we’ve got all the information on today, Micellar Whey Build. Based on it’s name, the supplement initially sounded like a combination of micellar casein and some sort of whey. Surprisingly the brand did confirm that is not the case, and now with the product’s facts panel we can also confirm that. Looking at Fuel:One’s Micellar Whey label we have 24g of protein, 6g of carbohydrates (1g fiber, 2g sugar), 2g of fat (1.5g saturated), and 140 calories. While those numbers are very normal, it is in the other ingredients section where things get interesting with the protein’s one source, micellar whey concentrate. As promised and as advertised, the source does officially make Micellar Whey Build the first and currently only sustained-release whey protein, due to go on sale soon in one size and flavor, a chocolate 2lber.