Following a lot of changes and releases this year, RSP Nutrition have confirmed their next step as yet another new supplement. We’ve seen the brand make a lot of big moves lately, most of them actually transforming the RSP line into more of an individual range. The brand have added a couple of basics such as Fish Oil, CLA, BCAA 3:1:1, with their most recent development, changing the title of their agmatine formula AgmaGen to simply Agmatine Sulfate. The new product coming from RSP keeps with that basic and individual tune, bringing on board another popular essential with L-Carnitine. As per it’s title the supplement packs just the one ingredient l-carnitine as l-carnitine l-tartrate, dosed at 500mg per capsule with two volumes set to be available, 60 and 120. The value of the next RSP release has yet to be confirmed, although with competitive prices on most of the brand’s other individuals, RSP’s L-Carnitine should be in the mix.