Physique Enhancing Science have put together a fresh new flavor for one of their most loved supplements, the thermogenic fat burning powder Alphamine. The next addition to the brand’s product that PricePlow recently uploaded a dedicated website for, is due to take the supplement to a menu total of four joining cherry limeade, fruit punch and raspberry lemonade. To help get fans excited PES have not revealed what the flavor is going to be, just saying that one is coming. Alternatively those of you located outside the US, in particular Australia, the brand do actually have one coming your way that they have been willing to name. Headed down under is mango, which will take the reformulated Alphamine menu to a total of three, and actually be an exclusive to Australia. While PES haven’t put a time on when their fourth for the US will arrive, mango Alphamine does sound like it’s already in the area so be on the look out for it at your local stockist.