Muscle Pharm recently released their first Arnold Schwarzenegger Series addition since the athlete’s company launched the line, the testosterone booster Iron Test. The supplement went on sale at GNC, with the brand themselves confirming later in the day that the product is in fact exclusive to the retailer. A second product has now hit GNC, seemingly as exclusive as Iron Test with a fifth Combat volume, the 2.5lber first pictured a few weeks ago. The variant has launched at the Muscle Pharm stockist with a price that doesn’t see fans getting that 25% extra on the 2lb free. GNC have set the value of the new Combat at $39.99, seven dollars more than the supplement’s smallest option which is priced at $32.99. While the 2.5lb does save you a little in the long run compared to Muscle Pharm’s 2lb. It’s a stretch for the brand to ask fans to invest in the single flavor Combat to save less than 5% per serving.