Following Tuesday’s release of Muscle Pharm’s Iron Whey amino spiking lab results, a bit of a stir was created. Now for the record we weren’t certifying the supplement for anything, merely forwarding on the brand’s own 14 page report and going over what it said. Like a top pre-workout or fat burner, unless we’ve actually tested it out for ourselves we’re not going to say ‘Stack3d Certified’. Especially since we do have a protein program in place called that, which has been designed with enough rules and guidelines for us to happily put our name to it. Back to the title topic and the main reason why such a stir was created, as Anthony Roberts on his website as well as a lot of other people pointed out. One of the aminos Muscle Pharm’s Iron Whey was suspected of being spiked with by Parker Waichman LLP was not listed in Tuesday’s release. The missing ingredient begs the question, why was it not tested for? Regardless of the answer, the issue has brought about more drama than we wanted, so from here on out we’re just going to refrain from posting results. The other reason being that as mentioned we do have our Stack3d Certified protein program in the works, and it wasn’t our intention to have people thinking we had put our name to any protein powders outside our program. We do apologize for the confusion, and can tell you that our own labs are almost here, sticking up for products we do believe in.