Komodo Nutraceuticals recently doubled their Elite Essential Series, introducing two more individual ingredient supplements. Originally the brand launched the line with L-Citrulline and Betaine Anhydrous, not your common basics, but basics nonetheless. The two that joined them were much more familiar single feature formulas, in Creatine Monohydrate and Beta-Alanine. Komodo have actually now confirmed that they are looking to triple the total they initially started off with, bringing two more uncommon individual products to the market. The upcoming Elite Essentials are ALCAR (acetyl-l-carnitine) and Agmatine, two supplements expected to be featuring just their title ingredients. In terms of form if Komodo keep things consistent we’ll see the duo in an unflavored powder, with at the moment no details on either product’s tub weight or serving size. If you are interested in being the first to grab ALCAR or Agmatine, the place to stakeout would be Get Ripped Nutrition, the home of Komodo.