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GU’s May flavor results are in, root beer energy gel voted in as latest release

GU Energy introduce flavor number 14 Root Beer GU

While endurance athletes may already be quite overwhelmed by all the new flavors and variants coming from their favorite rehydrating brand GU. If you can cast your mind back to early May, between the release of the brand’s chocolate peanut butter and salted watermelon GUs. The brand asked fans what they would rather see, root beer or cola for their regular GU supplement. Turns out the votes are in and root beer is not only the flavor the brand have gone with, but the one they’ve already produced and made available. The new option is now listed as taste number 14 on GU’s official website, where fans have the choice of purchasing root beer GUs in boxes of eight or three times bigger, in boxes of 24. The direct price isn’t bad at $11.60 or $31.50 respectively, seeing the latest flavor cost exactly the same as all of GU’s others.

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