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Top quality PES protein gets better, Select set to be a little more cost effective

PES confirm the coming of a larger Select Protein

Earlier this afternoon Physique Enhancing Science, or as we all know and love them as PES. Released an insider email passing around discount codes for’s July 4th weekend. As well as an offer to get some free products with your 20% off purchase. Hidden all the way at the bottom of the email was arguably the most important detail in the insider announcement, the coming of a new larger Select Protein. The product is indeed a double size variant of PES’s popular and one of our favorite protein powders. Packing a total of 55 servings, 28 more than the original 27 serving tubs, so a scoop more than double. Unfortunately the brand have yet to reveal just when the super size Select will be coming, you can however count on it being a more cost effective option.

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