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PES reformulate another for down under, Erase Pro edited and flavored for Australia

PES reformulate Erase Pro for stores in Australia

Physique Enhancing Science have had a presence in Australia for quite some time, which we saw for ourselves at the FileX earlier in the year with the brand’s star supplement Alphamine. Fans down under are now getting a taste of another popular PES product with Erase Pro. The supplement however like Alphamine due regulations in the area has been edited, resulting in a formula that’s quite a bit different to that of what we get in the US. The reformulated product features all of the capsule Erase Pro contents in combination with d-aspartic acid and agmatine sulfate, in a blue raspberry or mango flavored powder. None of the ingredient’s doses have been listed, although based on the way they are ordered on the PES supplement’s facts panel. The US version’s 700mg blend may very well be intact, leaving plenty of room in the product’s 5.9g serving for the others to be properly dosed as well. For more information on the formula fans in Australia can head on over to their local PES stockist with one of our favorite stores Rock Hard already listing the product.

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