On most occasions when we get news from Nutrabolics it’s usually about a supplement that is near launch or about to launch. Today’s preview is actually of something that’s quite some time a way, a premixed version of the brand’s thermogenic formula Thermal XTC. The last time we saw Nutrabolics give the product any attention was back in 2012 when they transformed it from pill to powder. This time around they’re moving Thermal XTC into the world of on the go supplementation, although as you can see in the picture above. This isn’t you’re regular old RTD or shot transformation. Nutrabolics premixed Thermal XTC is apparently coming in the form of a can. The image shows off the product’s usual highlights with it’s volume listed as 250ml, and the subtitle ‘with stevia’ presumably included for flavoring. While we did say the Thermal XTC can is quite some time a way, there is an expected wait of about three months. Which should put the supplement out not too long after the Olympia.