Last week EVLution Nutrition revealed their seventh supplement, the two category and self explanatory formula BCAA Energy. After a number of previews the brand finally unveiled the product, as well as confirming it’s availability for August 1st. One of the major pieces of information EVL left out however was the supplement’s facts panel, which they have conveniently waited two days before launch to release. Despite seeming like a formula you probably could’ve predicted, BCAA Energy does feature a little more than just caffeine and BCAAs. The product lists three highlights, the first being the previously mentioned 5g of 2:1:1 BCAAs, a whole 2g more than EVL’s dedicated amino A-10. The second is a 110mg natural energy blend made up of natural caffeine from coffee bean, and green tea. Lastly we have three non-complex ingredients looking ro add a bit more of a kick with 800mg of beta-alanine, 500mg l-alanine and 500mg taurine. For a complete look at EVL’s BCAA Energy we have uploaded it’s facts panel below. But if all goes as expected you will actually be able to purchase the supplement in just two days time.