For the month of June NOW have lined up more than their usual amount of new supplements with a total of five. We will start off with the brand’s Ubiquinol variant, a double size 120 count bottle of the product by the same name. Delivering the same 100mg dose of it’s title ingredient per softgel. Next we have another variant, with an alternate version of NOW’s Boswellia Extract. Although instead going bigger, the new addition packs a 500mg dose compared to the other’s 250mg and 600mg, and is also the only Boswellia to come in softgel form. Moving on we have NOW’s first Guggul extract formula, with 750mg of the one feature in each of it’s 90 tablets. Next is another new supplement CurcuBrain, a Longvida optimized curcumin extract individual, listing 400mg of it’s superior title ingredient per veg capsule, with 50 capsules per bottle. Last but not least we have L-Leucine Powder, a 9oz product containing 51 5g servings of the important branched chain amino acid. All five NOW supplements have been confirmed as ready to go, so as always expect to see them in stores sometime this month.