Chaos and Pain are it once again, doing something you don’t see often if at all from companies these days. The brand’s latest move follows on from their edits to Cannibal Swole and Cannibal Genius, two supplements Chaos and Pain retouched only
months after they were released. The brand have now moved on to one of their original formulas, Cannibal Inferno. Chaos and Pain’s first fat burner is set to be relaunched later this month with an update big enough to keep the product inline with it’s competition. Nothing has been done to the supplement’s current set of ingredients, the brand have simply thrown in the trending 4-amino-2-methylpentane citrate on top, at a dose of 200mg. It’s improvements like this that show Chaos and Pain are truly doing their best to be the best, and if not stay in front, then be right with their competition in terms of ingredients.