Body Fortress have revealed all four of their May mystery supplements, with two of the more interesting products now officially detailed. The first formulas we will name are 100% Pure Glutamine and Super Advanced Whey Isolate. While the two have not had as much information released, they are quite basic compared to Body Fortress’s other mysteries and do say a lot with their names. Making up the second half of the brand’s mystery four is Super Advanced Creatine HP2 and Super NOS Blast. Both are sequel formulas, starting with Creatine HP2 which compared to it’s predecessor has undergone a number of changes. Seeing three creatine forms replaced by two, the loss of the supplement’s NOS blend, and a shuffling around in the BCAA complex. As for Super NOS Blast the updated pre-workout, compared to it’s predecessor Body Fortress have played around with it’s creatine matrix. Dropped it’s BCAAs completely, and introduced a few modern and trending ingredients with agmatine sulfate, citrulline and choline bitartrate. If you would like a little more information on the two or even all four of Body Fortress’s new products, counting in the basic duo. Drop on by the brand’s website where you can see their official facts panels and full descriptions.