Every now and then Universal’s hardcore and highly respected spin off supplement brand Animal Pak, come out asking for volunteers to try out a new product. It seems that it is indeed that time again, as Animal have opened up their doors for fans to submit their case to become an official Alpha Tester. The supplement entrants can look forward to hopefully trying has yet to get a name, however there is a slight description of what it offers. As one of the questions Animal want answered by those looking to test the product is ‘Tell us why you’d like to use something that will help you perform better during your workout as well as help your muscles to recover and repair more efficiently’. The sentence doesn’t exactly giveaway too much, but it is definitely a good indication that Animal’s latest innovation could be an intra or post-workout of some sort. If you would like to find out exactly what the supplement does for yourself, feel free to put your name forward to become an Alpha Tester, which you can only do in Animal Pak’s official forums.