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Muscletech BetaTOR formula hit’s 2nd stockist, Clear Muscle now available at

Muscletech's Clear Muscle hits for $70

Muscletech’s Clear Muscle doesn’t look like it’s going to be that $50 muscle builder we were hoping for, as the supplement has hit it’s first store outside of GNC. The place as most would have guessed is, and the price is $69.99. Surprisingly it only beats GNC’s value by a margin, although if you take advantage of some of the retailer’s specials, it actually comes out more expensive. At the moment don’t have any promotions running on Clear Muscle, where as if you purchase two bottles from GNC with a Gold Card. You’ll get a free tee, free shipping, and each bottle discounted to $60. Seeing as Muscletech’s Clear Muscle did take just over a week to land in it’s second stockists. It would be good to assume the Performance Series formula is going to hit somewhere else within the same amount of time. However we can’t imagine it going too much lower than today’s lowest single bottle price.

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