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Another ENGN only 5 months after orange, EVLution confirm bright blue rebranding

EVL confirm the coming of a fifth flavor for ENGN and a rebranding

EVLution Nutrition, who believe or not only just launched themselves eight months ago at the Olympia, are looking to continue adding to their still relatively small range of supplements. Since the brand arrived we’ve seen a third A-10 flavor, as well as a fourth for ENGN, and the confirmation of a capsule fat burner. While the brand’s first ever pill product and first new supplement since arriving, is still in development. EVL have revealed that they recently headed back into the kitchen to put together yet another flavor for ENGN. At the moment the title of the taste is being kept under wraps as just like they did with orange dream A-10 and ENGN. There is going to be a build up to the unveiling of the pre-workout’s fifth flavor. It also seems that with the upcoming variant EVL are going to be bringing a fresh new theme, basically a reverse of their current one. Seeing all the text turned black and white, and the background painted with the brand’s signature blue.

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