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Nirvana updated with double size cylinder, American Muscle modify their focus formula

American Muscle make some modifications to Nirvana

Earlier in the year American Muscle released a double size variant of their nootropic neuro stimulator Nirvana. The supplement packed as promised a total of 180 capsules, twice the amount of the original cylinder. It turns out size is not the only thing the brand have changed, as like Havok and American Muscle’s BCAA product MusclePhyx. Nirvana has also received an update to it’s formula. Starting from the top the brand have chopped it’s niacin down from 50 to 20mg. Kept it’s cognitive blend the same weight with a slight reordering, seeing choline bitartrate moved to 4th and theanine to last on the list. And last but not least, an edit to the supplement’s cerebrovascular complex. With the proprietary taken down from 797 to 595mg, and like the cognitive blend, a reshuffling of it’s ingredients. To give you a full break down and first hand look at all the modifications American Muscle have made. Nirvana’s new facts panel has been uploaded below, with the one on the brand’s website yet to be updated.

American Muscle Nirvana facts panel
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