While the departure of Mr. California from his suitable sponsor Mutant was said to be mutual, with nothing but good things being said from both sides. Loyal followers of the iconic Rich Piana may have noticed that he has not left the supplement industry altogether. The entrepreneurial bodybuilder has in fact created his own line of products under the brand name 5% Nutrition. Piana doesn’t appear to have a website listing his range just yet, although details around two of his supplements have surfaced. The first formula is titled Kill It, a pre-workout featuring highlights such as agmatine sulfate, tri-citrulline malate and the always reliable caffeine. The other 5% product carries on the unique naming with the title All Day You May, and compared to Kill It lists a very surprising set of contents for an amino. All up the supplement’s serving weighs in at 15.5g, shining with highlights such as 6g of BCAAs, a creatine + beta-alanine complex, a hit of glutamine, a two piece joint support blend and a handful of other amino acids. Despite having all the product information available, we are left with plenty of questions about the brand. Which are likely to all be answered soon, as the first two 5% supplements Kill It and All Day You May, are due to launch at I’ll Pump You Up mid May.