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New CreAde almost identical to Create, RSP Nutrition’s latest launched at Tiger Fitness

RSP Nutrition launch their new CreAde at Tiger Fitness

RSP Nutrition have just launched a new creatine supplement, that looks very much like a Create replacement. The name of the product is CreAde, which unlike Create appears to be an unflavored only supplement, packing the same amount of servings at 50. The contents is where it gets interesting as the new CreAde features the same creatine complex as Create. Listing a 4g combination of Creapure, tricreatine malate, COPMax, MagnaPower, and creatine pyruvate. The only real difference is in the transport matrix where RSP have kept on board arginine HCL, glycine, and l-methionine. But swapped out Peak ATP for di-calcium phosphate. Regardless of whether or not CreAde does eventually take Create’s place, as mentioned RSP Nutrition have already launched their latest effort. With Tiger Fitness coming in as one of the first to stock it a buck cheaper than Create, at $27.99 a bottle.

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