Back when we introduced Performax Labs and their two supplements, the muscle builder AlphaMax, and the recently reviewed fat burner FitMax. The brand confirmed the return of their more intense pre-workout formula PowerMax, with the coming of a 2.0 version. Performax how now passed on an update for the product saying that it’s tentative name of PowerMax 2.0 has been replaced by it’s official title, HyperMax. In the same relatively short mention, the brand also said that the supplement is an entirely new formula, so possibly nothing like PowerMax. And that it will be a very high stimulant, high intensity pre-workout, revealing just one ingredient, 4-AMP citrate. While originally the PowerMax sequel was expected to be arriving sometime this month, Performax have given us an official launch window of sometime between late April and early May. Putting it at a minimum of about four or so weeks.