Chaos and Pain have kicked off what they are calling, Get Swole Weekend. Basically it is an online direct super sale offering massive discount on two of the brand’s biggest supplements. With one of the two originals Cannibal Inferno, and one from Chaos and Pain’s second wave, Cannibal Swole. The deal is add any one of the products to your cart, and get another one free. The regular price for either of the supplements is $39.99, which combined with the Get Swole Weekend sale, sees them both drop down to $19.99 each. The only downside to the special is that you can not mix and match the products, so it’s two bottles of Inferno or Swole, not one bottle of each. As mentioned it is a direct promotion, so drop by Chaos and Pain’s official store if you are interested in taking advantage of the limited time offer.
Update: Leave a note on your order when purchasing a buy 1 get 1 Swole or Inferno, and you can get one of each supplement.