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Strawberry and cookies followed by another, USP Labs make it five for OxyElite Protein

USP Labs confirm five flavors for OxyElite Protein with new banana

Two new flavors for USP Labs OxyElite Protein recently surfaced, with strawberry cheesecake and cookies & cream joining milk chocolate and vanilla ice cream. The two weren’t and still aren’t found everywhere or even listed on the brand’s website, but are most definitely real. This can be further seen in USP’s latest announcement, as they have finally confirmed the launching of more options for their one and only protein powder. However instead of announcing four, they have listed five. As it turns out strawberry and cookies have been put together alongside another common taste, banana. While there were previously only a few stores listing the other two new tastes. OxyElite Protein’s fifth taste is a lot more difficult to locate, with nobody that we can find stocking it. That will of course change in the next few months as it is expected to make it’s way out. But for now if you are interested in strawberry cheesecake or cookies & cream. Make good use of PricePlow and see who is listing what flavor for the best price.

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