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Post-Rx latest product to be updated, Rival add in more aminos and introduce more flavors

Rival Us release an updated Post-Rx with two new flavors

We recently saw Rival Us make a few changes to two of their signature supplements. The protein powder Promasil and the mass protein Clean Gaine, with ingredients shifts, dose modifications, and even new variants. The latest product to be included in the Rival overhaul is the post-workout formula Post-Rx. Unlike the other two supplements, the recovery veteran’s alterations are relatively simple, and both extremely positive. According to the latest facts panel for Post-Rx, the brand have maintained it’s 45 servings per tub. However increased it’s total amount of aminos per scoop, going from 4.25g to 6.5g, and transparently detailing a 5g 2:1:1 BCAA ratio, and 1.5g of glutamine. The other area Rival Us have made adjustments in is Post-Rx’s menu, seeing it’s original lemon lime and last year’s pink lemonade, joined by blue raspberry and green apple. The updated product has already shown up at GNC, with more information available on Rival’s website including the 2014 facts panel.

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