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Black Ops as powerful as a pre-workout, Grenade’s second fat burner reviewed as intense

Review of Grenade high energy weight loss formula Black Ops

Based purely on the appearance of Grenade’s first fat burner Thermo Detonator, we initially expected the supplement to be all show and no go. After running it for a few days, then a few weeks, we quickly discovered that the weight loss formula was no joke. It packed enough energy, stimulation, and fat burning ability to power you for an entire day, and in the end deliver more results than anything else we had tried. Since that first experience with Grenade we have seen and tried a lot of other innovations from the team like the very unique Reload Protein Flapjacks, the comfortable creatine Engage, the high intensity pre-workout .50 Calibre, and now their most recent release, Black Ops. When Grenade originally announced this one, our interest was immediately peaked, since we already knew what the brand were capable of in terms of weight loss. Now after using the product for as long as we needed to, we have here today a full experience review of Black Ops.

The idea behind the arguably more stylish looking fat burning formula, is that it has been designed for use in situations requiring less endurance and a higher intensity. It’s ingredients are of course very different to that of Thermo Detonator, but as per usual we weren’t willing to jump to any conclusions until we actually tried Black Ops.

To start out we used the suggested introductory serving size of one capsule, which wasn’t too bad. It provides a relatively good kick, enough to get you up for any sort of workout, or at least get you to the gym. Once you get moving and exercising the thermogenesis does come in to play, although it is not a major part of the experience. The level of the effect is about as much as you would get from your average energy dedicated formula, in that the heat really just seems to come from your increased effort.

Following the single capsule sampling, we quickly moved up to Black Op’s maximum serving size of two. Of course two is always going to be better than one, we just wanted to know how much better. Basically the two main effects we noticed in the introductory serving are more than present in the maximum. That being said, the energy does appear to be the more amplified one of the two, further establishing it as the main attraction. As for the energy’s level of effectiveness, the hit is actually stronger than what you would find in some pre-workouts. There isn’t really any competitor we could compare it to in it’s own category, as again it is very pre-workout like, so much so you could almost say it is a pre-workout with weight loss as a spin off. To add to the experience the Black Op’s #1 effect doesn’t come in overly alarming or shocking. It may be similar in strength to formulas found in the energy category that feature the over-the-top ‘wake up’ kick. However it still maintains that signature fat burner calmness, where the energy moves over you smoothly across a 10 to 20 minute period. After it’s introduction the effect does manage to hold it’s own and remain consistently on a high for about 50 to 60 minutes, where it then begins to die down. This isn’t exactly a disappointment as Grenade do clearly state on the supplement that Black Ops has essentially been designed for a pre-workout time frame.

While we did say that the thermogenesis isn’t stepped up as much as the energy in the maximum serving, Grenade still deliver it at a high level. But again, it is very pre-workout like, where it appears to be something produced by your effort and output. Usually with products using thermogenesis as a base or side show, the effect comes in with the energy surge or sometimes even before. With Black Ops this is not the case, whether we waited 10, 20, or even 30. The increased body heat only became noticeable when physical activity was involved

There is more one thing we have to bring in for the review, and that is use of Grenade’s weight loss formula outside of it’s pre-training window as well a somewhat inside. The brand do provide instructions for those interested in using the supplement as an all day solution. We do however have to disagree on this one, and say that taking Black Ops twice a day, everyday might not be as ideal as it sounds. The main reason being that there is a point where the product dies down, and while it isn’t necessarily a crash. It does result in a decrease in energy and loss of strength, something we felt was extremely uncomfortable. Especially in situations like when morning cardio was followed by any sort of physically demanding job, or when the supplement was taken without any exercise around it. We aren’t saying don’t ever use the product full time like others in it’s category, just that it’s use is very circumstantial.

All in all Grenade’s Black Ops is effective, and when a supplement actually delivers on it’s promises you have absolutely no reason to be upset. The fat burner follows through on it’s heightened level of energy, which combined with it’s five pronged weight loss strategy, makes for a one of a kind product. It’s all day and continuous use as mentioned is very circumstantial, but if you can justify throwing it back twice in 24 hours, than by all means do so. We still feel it’s best used once a day or on the odd occasion like in the morning if you find it’s energy is worth the slight down. Sometime during the day as a good pick-me-up, or in our favorite window. Traded for an afternoon serving of an in use, less stimulating fat burner. Basically Black Ops is a high energy weight loss supplement. It just needs to be treated as a pre-workout, more than a fat burner. As energy is it’s major and almost only effect, unlike it’s competitors that have energy as an equal or bonus feature.

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