Gamma Lab’s muscle building supplement Gladiator. The one that over the past year or so has popped up and disappeared on so many occasions, has now finally been made available. Instead of going with a giveaway, promotion, or more teasers. The brand have just uploaded the product to their website, with what appears to be a while stocks last purchase opportunity. Gamma have set the value of the supplement at $44.95, a small price to pay for early availability on a product that we expect to be in stores for only around $10 cheaper. If you are interested in Gladiator the place to get it is Gamma Lab’s official store, where the brand have also listed a complete description of the supplement. Confirming the five prat formula that was first posted a while ago made up of HICA, carnitine, quercetin, BioPerine, and an antioxidant complex. Despite basically all of Gladiator’s details being made available, as well as the ability to purchase the product. There is no word on when Gamma’s latest is due to hit stores. With a hint that it could be a while away based on the possibility of the product’s launch sale being limited to a certain amount of stock.