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Upcoming series developed with Alex Viada, Chaos & Pain’s strength and endurance line

Chaos and Pain developing a new mainstream athlete series

We mentioned the other day that it was a rare and pleasant sight to see a brand move so quickly into reformulation, when Chaos and Pain confirmed a sequel to their pump product Cannibal Swole. It turns out that is not all the relatively new company are working on, as they have passed on word of an entirely separate upcoming line of supplements. At the moment there is no name for the series, just alternative intentions in mind, with the products eventually produced to be designed for endurance strength athletes. There has also been no number set on how many supplements will make the final cut, however Chaos are aiming for a more mainstream selection. Suggesting that we will see some of the more common categories covered, compared to the brand’s increasingly successful current collection. It is worth mentioning to help develop the line, Chaos and Pain are working with USA triathlon coach, and strength & conditioning specialist Alex Viada. The founder of Complete Human Performance, who works with all kinds of individuals ranging from disabled athletes to multi-sport competitors. While the new series does definitely sound exciting, don’t expect to see too much of it over the next few months. As Chaos aren’t looking to launch it for at least another five or so months, aiming for the back half of the year.

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