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Nirvana goes double with 180 capsules, American Muscle upsize their nootropic

American Muscle put together a double size bottle of Nirvana

While we still await an update on all the upcoming products from American Muscle with Karbine, Show Off, Maintain, and Oceanfuel. The brand have put together something to tie us and all their fans over with a double size bottle of their hyper focus formula Nirvana. The usual amount of capsules per cylinder of the supplement is 90, working out to be 30 3 capsule servings.

The latest size comes in at 180, as mentioned doubling the original’s amount and offering a total of 60 servings. American Muscle have said that the bigger bottle is already finding it’s way into every GNC across America. Suggesting that it could be an exclusive, but at the same time not too much of a hassle with an availability that wide.

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