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On-the-go interest continues with post-race Reload, Italian based 4+ Nutrition keep it coming week after week

4+ Nutrition reveal their endurance athlete formula Reload

Italian based 4+ Nutrition are at again, with another new supplement announcement. The latest preview coming from the company sees them once again turn their attention to the on-the-go form and counter top display, with the conveniently packaged Reload. The brand are promoting the upcoming product as a supplement designed for endurance based athlete’s post-workout or race window. So far 4+ have only revealed two features for the formula as seen in the image above with caffeine, and the trademarked carbohydrate Palatinose. The item also appears to be your usual rip and run gel or liquid, coming in at 50ml a pack, with a total of 15 per Reload display box. We do expect the product to have some sort of flavoring, and knowing 4+ Nutrition there is likely to be more than one option. But until it hit shelves that is all we have for Reload, with the usual ‘coming soon’ time frame.

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